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3 Reasons for Facebook Advertising

MadPixi Team 517 30.10.2019

No one ever imagined 15 years ago that Facebook would be what it is today. With over 2.5 billion monthly active users, it has become a staple of people's lives. And most importantly, this is a trend that will not change any time soon. Here are the main reasons to advertise there.

1. Fast results and easy setup. Today anyone can log in to Facebook and quickly and easily create an account through a business manager, choose a payment method, and publish an ad or campaign in just a few minutes.

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2. It is easy to reach the ideal audience. Facebook has provided many different and detailed ways to reach certain people based on their preferences, their behavior on the website, and other elements of their demographic affiliation such as gender, place of residence, age, and more.

3. Facebook adds new features every month. The company is constantly adding more and more different features and improving the experience for both the advertiser and the average user. This is one of the main reasons Facebook has had steady and steady growth for such a long time.

So the sooner you learn and start advertising on Facebook, the sooner you will unleash your full potential on your social media ad.

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