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Banner making

MadPixi Team 1651 14.01.2019

Pictures have the power of thousands words if they are selected correctly. When it comes to advertising, it is thought that no matter how well a text is written, it can not be the same. And the banner can combine both picture and text - everything is according to your needs and preferences.

In order to be successful and influential, and in order to achieve the desired suggestion, the banners should be interesting and attractive. The picture is the most easily attracted factor.

fashion banner

Before creating the banner you need to specify some details. They are important for the realization. Decide exactly where the ad will be placed. It may be for your site or for a post on Facebook for example. This is especially important because it depends on what size is appropriate for the banner.

To maximize your expectations, you can give guidance for the banner design. Are there traditions that you want to adhere or are you looking for something new? Do you have any color preferences?

It is also important to clarify what your message will be to the client. Most often, the purpose of the banner is to sell or present a new product. But whatever your goal and preference for performance, we will help you to realize them!

sex banner

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