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Ads and Traffic (PPC)

MadPixi Team 747 12.02.2019

Banner advertising is a modern way of advertising that leads to relatively fast results and at the same time has a rather long-term potential branding effect. With this method, campaigns offer an excellent opportunity for easy tracking of available earnings results. It can be done in terms of visits made and realized sales increase. Appropriate themes for sites, specific media, or keywords can be selected. Choose ones where you want your banners to be displayed.

Banner advertising is very important.

Banner ad is actually displaying your banner ads on pre-selected sites on the web and in selected regions of the country or the world depending on what the product is and where it can be used.

banner girl with sunglasses

You have the opportunity to set your monthly budget yourself. Billing is done by clicking on your banner or on a real visit. From a banner, the ad also has a completely free benefit that you usually derive from the fact that banners are not charged, but only clicks. This way you get a completely free ad for your brand.

Ad Banner, of course, has its own application. This type of ad is integrated into certain selected web pages. They may be static or animated.

The purpose of banner advertising is to attract the attention of new customers and to provoke interest in a site, products or brand. It may be intended to trigger, for example, a click on the banner, and the purpose of this is to pass the user to your advertised web page.

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