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Ads on social networks

MadPixi Team 456 25.07.2021

Why is social media advertising necessary for your company?

Think about why you created a social network account for your company? Because it has to be so? Because every self-respecting company should be active in social media? The main goals that should guide the presence of your company in social networks are:


Social networks are the fastest way to communicate with your customers. Information about new products or promotions provided on social media is read much more often and works more effectively.

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Building trust

The "live" profile on social networks is the best evidence of the credibility of your company. Thanks to it you can build the trust of potential customers to the brand, products and services.


Messages, comments and reactions on social media are a wealth of knowledge about the needs and expectations of your customers. This information allows you to develop your offer more efficiently.

Another piece is missing in this puzzle. When you create an account on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, you also rely on real benefits in the form of new customers. You want to get them through social media, but first you have to contact them ... And that's where social advertising comes in.

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