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Advantages and disadvantages of Internet advertising

MadPixi Team 506 15.07.2021

Let's look at the landscape of internet advertising together to determine its advantages and disadvantages.


One of the most important benefits of online advertising is the fast and accurate availability of data and information about the effectiveness of our campaigns.

online advertising

It allows us to save money, an aspect that is very accountable! Because with internet advertising campaigns we can promote projects adapted to almost any budget.

There are less competitive differences between large and small companies, which somehow equates them on the Internet. This increases the possibility of competition from young and old, offering huge advantages for consumers.


Slow internet connections can make navigation difficult if we build websites that are too complex or too large. It will take a long time for users to see your offer, get bored and leave.

E-commerce (or e-shopping) does not allow the consumer to "touch" the product before purchasing it. For this reason, we must offer guarantees and product return policies.

Another factor is payment: many consumers are still wary of electronic payment methods. For this reason, in some cases, they refuse to buy online.

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