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Banners and their function

MadPixi Team 515 24.04.2021

What is a banner? This is a type of advertising larger than normal, which has the main purpose of attracting the attention of everyone who visits your website, through various moving images, flashing lights or striking colors. Nowadays, the banner is extremely popular and we can find it almost everywhere we "enter". This is one of the most famous and high-quality forms of advertising and more and more people are using it.

Usually the banner should be placed in such a way that one can easily see it. There are banners of different sizes and shapes, horizontal, vertical, but whatever it is, it should leave an impression on the visitor of the page that he may miss seeing something important if he does not open it.

spring banner
There are several types of banner sizes. Some of them are called banners with buttons and their main function is to redirect to other pages or directly to purchase products. Movable banners are called animated banners. They are much more attractive to the human eye, but sometimes loading pages is slower because of them.

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