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Basic types of banners

MadPixi Team 740 18.02.2019

The web banner is also known as an Internet banner or just as a banner. It is a specific ad format that spreads over the World Wide Web. This original and contemporary type of online ad is designed to embed in web pages. In fact, it is a graphic image that can be considered as similar to the advertising box in the press. Often, it includes animated and rarely video elements, as well as hypertext links that link to other websites.

There are so-called traditional banners that have different GIF or JPEG graphic images. The images contained in them were both static and animated. Distributed in GIF format, ie. has a motion effect. It is achieved by alternating several different images.

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Internet advertising and, in particular, banners are a field that is constantly evolving. Innovation emerges daily. Newer and newer banners are constantly appearing. They are made using Flash technology or Java. To distinguish them from the traditional ones that use raster graphics, this type of banner uses special vector graphics. This makes it possible to achieve original animation effects and at the same time preserve the small size of the banner. Also, Flash banners provide an important opportunity to use sound effects, and this in turn manages to increase the banner's performance as a promotional medium compared to traditional ones.

No matter what type of banner you're going to target, you'll always be useful for acquiring Internet reputation and promoting your product or service.

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