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Classic banner or advertisement on social networks

MadPixi Team 495 10.01.2021

Today, although social media campaigns are considered the most profitable and promising strategy, the classic banner remains the main advertising channel. Digital advertising turnover is expected to reach $ 223.74 billion in 2017, representing 38.3% of the total media budget. Studies predict that digital advertising spending will continue to grow in double digits until 2020.

banner men
This trend is due to advertising on social networks, which erupted with great force from the desire of both consumers and brands to create a new environment of hyper-relevant and ultra-personalized relationships between them. Facebook Dynamic Product Ads (DPA), for example, has become a powerful revenue-generating tool in all industries. Reading reviews, comments, and the very presence of the brand on social media can directly influence the purchase decision.

Currently, even the shopping itself often happens directly through these platforms. According to various statistics, in the coming years, advertising on social media worldwide will cost $ 50 billion and this will be 20% of all funds provided for online advertising.

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