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How to avoid losing interest to your ad banner

MadPixi Team 923 21.02.2019

It's a good idea to advertise with an internet banner. So your product or service is advertised on a very large scale at a relatively low price. It reaches a huge circle of users. It helps a lot for the promotion. But there is a banner of blindness - a specific concept we may face if we stop on this type of advertising.

Banner blindness is reached when the ads are overrun. When they appear too often, the user unwittingly ignores them and simply ignores them.

banner kids

Banner blindness is available when users have seen the same banner several times and are simply ignoring it. That is why a balance is being sought - advertising is sufficiently disseminated and at the same time it does not overdo it. T. banner blindness is an absolute normal process. This is how the human individual is built. It is for this reasonable and serious reason that most serious companies are seeking to invest in new banners and in different types of advertisements that will appear over a certain period of time. This is a very good solution because it regulates the frequency and thus maintains a level of display that does not get intrusive or invisible.

It can be of great help to you, for example, if you make a plan and order, for example, a whole series of banners at once. That way, it is quite possible that you can get a certain rebate and build a comprehensive strategy that lasts for weeks or even months.

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