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Media planning - step by step

MadPixi Team 469 04.05.2021

The media plan (media plan) is based on numerous information specifying the state of the company, ordering the placement of its advertising message in the media (effects of previous advertising campaigns, comparison with the competition strategy, etc.), as well as data describing the target group of users to which the marketing message is addressed.

The benefits of this type of planning are huge, but to really have them, it would be best to take advantage of the services of professionals in the field. Thanks to their knowledge and experience, they will be able to get the most out of you.

media planning

Information gathered in the process of the so-called briefing is an essential basis for media planning. When the market situation of a company is fully and comprehensively developed, a comprehensive marketing strategy is developed, which includes a media plan - a plan for purchasing media space and time, in which selected advertising content will be placed to promote products and improve sales results.

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