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Purpose of web banner

MadPixi Team 668 31.01.2019

The banner in its essence is an ad format that spreads over the web. The web banner can be specifically defined as a form of ad intended for embedding on a site. This is a kind of graphic image that has mostly advertising purpose. The banner serves to attract future prospects or to create a virtual image. Both of its properties should not be underestimated. They are particularly important, especially in today's technological world. No other type of ad is able to spread so quickly and reach such a huge audience of users.


The type of online banner ad is designed to be embedded in web pages. It can be two main types - static and animated. It all depends on the nature of what will be advertised. The dimensions of the banner are determined in pixels (px) and can be in the same static and animated formats.

fashion banner

A goal of the banner

The banner has several main goals, with no doubt the first one is to attract attention. It should cause interest in the advertised service or product. One of its functions is also to drive to the site and to the action - purchasing the specific product or service.

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