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Static and dynamic (flash) banners

MadPixi Team 683 13.02.2019

The Internet banner - this is probably the most appropriate choice for modern advertising. Everyone is browsing the web every day. Thus, in addition to the specific information they are looking for, users fall into more side-by-side information.

Nowadays, the banner is the most popular ad format. Its purpose is to advertise on websites on the Internet.

Banners can, by their very nature, be graphic or animated elements. They carry a specific advertising message. Banners are usually placed on a variety of websites according to their purpose so that they can perform their tasks as accurately as possible. Their main purpose is to be able to attract potential visitors to the web site. The goal is to click on them and thus take them to the website that advertised the banner.

banner woman on a chair

Generally, banners can be shared on static or animated (flash banners).

There are recommended sizes. Standard sizes for web banners are several: 728x90px, 160x600px, 468x90px, 250x250px, 300x250px, 160x90px, 234x60px, 120x240px, 125x125px. The right size is chosen according to a number of different criteria. Significance is the purpose of the banner. It is also important to which user group is targeted. It is also important where the banner will be placed - usually there are certain dimensions that are acceptable.

We offer the production of spectacular advertising banners. They attract attention and their purpose is to memorize with ease. Advertising banners with animation can be made. They can be accompanied by sound or interactivity, depending on the specific purpose. Professional banners are tailored to the advertiser's requirements and views.

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