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Technical issues regarding banners

MadPixi Team 576 19.02.2019

When a professional draws your banner, he is familiar with everything that affects him. However, there are some technical issues that are good to be aware of. Here are the main ones and the corresponding answers and guidelines:

In what format will you get a flash banner?

Most often, the banner is sent to a SWF, which is a fully-ready file.

What are the main types of banners that serve for advertising on the web?

Different standard picture files are used. These can be JPG, GIF, PNG. Flash animations are the most preferred. They are usually in SWF format. The most attractive are for the network users they are targeting.

banner girl

Why can not I see my flash banner?

It may be that you have an older FLASH PLAYER version. This may be the reason you do not see your ad correctly. It is best to have the latest version, so look for it and download it.

Why does my flash banner cut or look cracked?

It's possible that a banner will appear in the banner image if it's on a page with many other animated banners. Flash technology takes a lot of the CPU resources on your computer. A good flash banner must be aware of this specificity of today's internet environment. We recommend working in a range of 24 to 30 frames per second.

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