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The best tips for creating banner ads

MadPixi Team 429 04.08.2021

Banners are one of the most common forms of online advertising to increase online traffic. Banners are clickable images of web pages that display a product or brand and have a link to the advertiser's website. Most companies use them in one form or another, as they are an accessible, measurable and effective environment for raising brand awareness.

1. Use the most effective standard banner sizes

The Google Adsense contextual advertising service calls the following parameters and formats the most successful:

banner underwear

728 × 90 px - long banner - banner, ranking,

300 × 600 px - half-page (half-page) banner

300 × 250 px - Medium Rectangle

336 × 280 px - large rectangle (large rectangle).

2. Place your banners correctly

Buy space on the site above the fold line (Above The Fold) near the main content of the page, then your design will be visible to everyone.

3. Apply the buttons wisely

Buttons increase your ad's clickthrough rate (CTR). Place them after the text, closer to the lower right corner. Use a contrasting color and do not forget about the taste!

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