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The most important thing to be aware of before ordering a banner

MadPixi Team 541 19.08.2019

There are some basic things that you need to be aware of in advance if you want a banner ad to bring you the desired result. The first question you have to answer is, "What is my goal with this banner ad?" The other main question is, "What do I want to earn with it?" After you answer them, just share your answers with specialists they will make the perfect banner for you.

If you want to get a good number of impressions, it is advisable to use popular ad sizes. Most websites have ad placements for 300 × 250, 728 × 90, and 160 × 600 ad units.
There are a number of commonly used default ad sizes that you can start with as a start.

banner eyes
There is also an option to run your ads in different sizes, it all depends on the individual goals you set. In any case, the decision to advertise with banners is a good one. For example, this is a very effective way for your product or message to reach as many people as possible. The result, of course, is best when the task is performed by professionals in the industry who are fully aware of what they are doing.

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