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The role of texts in online advertising

MadPixi Team 593 07.12.2021

Advertising texts are perhaps the most difficult area of ​​copywriting. You need to express more than a thousand words in a few sentences and in addition be clear, write attractively and speak with your emotions. This is not an easy art at all, but it is worth the effort - in the end, advertising is a lever for trade. The best ad text will increase your recognition, improve conversions, and raise brand awareness, forcing customers to act.

Google Ads?


Google advertising dominates the Internet market so much that it is almost the only source of information. However, it is good that you should be easy to find there - ads in Google Adds will be useful to you.

However, entering such an ad depends on how good your ad text is. Thanks to it and the keywords placed in the text itself, you will reach people who may be VERY interested in your product.

Facebook for 2.4 billion users

Nearly 2.4 billion in total and 1.5 billion daily consumers speak for themselves. If you can stand out from the crowd, your ad texts will reach an unimaginable number of people.

Social media as a complementary campaign

On social media, you will look more credible, more natural and more honest. Of course - with brilliant ad texts!

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