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The specificity of the Internet banner

MadPixi Team 680 20.02.2019

The first size that has become a banner internet standard is 468 by 60 pixels. Even though it is old, it remains very handy because it sits discreetly on a particular topic or as a blog between the content and does not even annoy at all. Horizontal banner sizes are also very well suited for signatures placed under comments in forums.
The more modern version of the top banner is in another size - "728x90". Their size is increased and provides a large enough space to prompt users to see what the products or services are. Typically, this type of banner is located in the "head" of a particular site.

What is the recommended duration for a banner?
There are quite a few different theories, but the practice shows that it is very good to have the animation limited to 8 seconds. There are other allegations, however.

banner bag
How many kilobytes should it be a banner?
Typically, the size of kilobytes is set in the form of a request from the portal on which the ad will be placed. For a 300x250 banner, for example, the default size is 40KB, which should not exceed the file.

What can be placed in a 300x250 banner and 40 kilobytes in size?
A good result is assumed to be available if the banner shows 2 to 3 pictures and several different vector logos. Remember that the sum of the elements that are animated in the banner does not necessarily have to be equal to the size of the banner. Flash animation makes calculations and plays processes that also add kilobytes to the movement of the elements.

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