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What to include in the banner

MadPixi Team 647 21.01.2019

The banner may contain an advertiser's logo, images, graphics and other useful information. It is advisable the text to be as short as possible and to arouse interest in the audience.

Banners are now the most popular form of advertising on the Internet. They represent our well-known image ads that lead to another website. It is called a landing page. Each site is allowed to use banners of any size, but there are still international banner sizes. They are endorsed each year by IAB (abbreviated to the full name of the International Advertising Bureau).

banner legs

We recommend that you use banners of a standard size because you will not need to change them at any time when you want to put your banners on someone's site or banners of someone else to your site.

In recent years, banners of traditional sizes, measured in pixels, are often used. There are also static banners, but those that include either video or animation usually cause more clicks.

But adding sound is not a good idea. This can be even scareful sometimes. We do not advise you to add a sound effect to your banners, but if you really want to, look for a suitable way to do it.

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