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Which is the best place for the banner

MadPixi Team 563 31.05.2019

If it is put in the right place, if it is, if there is such an action. The most important thing is for people to spot it. The question is for those Internet users who do not use the programs called ad blockers.

Some of the advertising on the web just goes unnoticed or leads to far worse results and prices are expected. This is a really big problem for advertisers.
There have been many marketing studies on the subject, as well as changes and experiments. They should be placed at the top of the website, especially from the best of the rest.

banner men
Sufficient media sites rely on a large, large banner at the top of their homepage. The banner at the top right is also general work.

Besides the location of the banner to attract the attention, especially important, and its content. In order to work and lead to the results to be achieved, it should be based on a place, containing short text of appropriate format and appropriate format and combined with a suitable picture.

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