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What does Internet advertising give us?

It is worth considering what gives us an online advertising message over the traditional one.The mai...

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304 MadPixi Team 19.09.2021
Why are flash banners effective?

Among the many advertising media, flash banners are enjoying irresistible popularity. What makes the...

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884 MadPixi Team 19.09.2021
Advertising on social networks

Thanks to advertising on social networks, you will reach completely new recipients and increase your...

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339 MadPixi Team 19.09.2021
The most common disadvantages of banners

Banner advertising is the third most popular method of online advertising. It is preceded only by so...

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566 MadPixi Team 17.09.2021
Advertising on YouTube

YouTube alone has more than a billion users. That's almost a third of all people on the Internet...

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286 MadPixi Team 12.09.2021
How to create a successful banner

What should a banner look like: main design trends:The design of a banner is largely determined by h...

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319 MadPixi Team 12.09.2021
What is SEO copywriting

This is a type of activity aimed at writing texts adapted for search engines (for example, containin...

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0 MadPixi Team 17.08.2021
How to create a post and track its status

With Google My Business, you can post your offers, events, products, and services directly to Google...

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330 MadPixi Team 17.08.2021
Typical advantages of online advertising

Simple forecast for effectThe capabilities of advertising tools allow you to accurately predict the ...

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296 MadPixi Team 17.08.2021
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